Asynchronous Activities

The following are activities assigned in class which can be completed and submitted for points.

Date Assigned Activity Points Due Date
Sept 1 First C++ Program: Hello World! [Replit Project] [Slides] 1 point --
Sept 6 Laser Ray Conversion [Replit Project] [Slides] 1 point Sept 29
Sept 8 Follow Me (1D) [Slides]
Demo: To get credit for this activity, demonstrate your robot maintaining a setpoint distance to a wall in front of it to a member of the course staff.
1 point Sept 29
Sept 13 Find Minimum Ray [Replit Project] [Slides] 1 point Sept 29
Sept 15 Follow Me (2D) [Slides]
Demo: To get credit for this activity, demonstrate your robot maintaining a setpoint distance to the nearest wall to a member of the course staff.
1 point Sept 29
Oct 4 Super Mario Finite State Machine [Replit Project] 1 point Oct 28
Nov 15 Python Pocket Calculator [Replit Project] 1 point Dec 9
Nov 18 Image Distance in Python [Replit Project] 1 point Dec 9
Nov 22 Contribute to the Robotics 102 Handwriting Dataset! [Google Form]
Instructions: To receive the activity point, upload one image for each number using the Google Form. Please follow the instructions on the form carefully! If your images are not usable, you will not get the point.
1 point Dec 2

Practice Activities

The following are additional practice activities. They are not worth points, but you are encouraged to try them out for extra practice.

Activity Links
C++ Variables & Operators [Replit Project]
C++ Branching & Loops [Replit Project]
C++ Functions [Replit Project]
C++ Vectors [Replit Project]
Turnstile Finite State Machine [Replit Project]
Python Syntax & Variables [Replit Project]
Intro to Google Colab and NumPy
To complete this activity, use the Google Drive link then do "File" > "Save a copy in Drive" to copy it to your own Drive.
[Google Colab]